
From 1:1 support to workshops and custom engagements, we can collaborate to help young people thrive in school and life.

Coaching on executive function, motivation, and goals

Reach out if you have a teen or young adult in your life who:

  • knows what they need to do, but doesn't actually do it

  • is bright but disinterested in school, and neither of you are really sure why

  • isn't sure whether they want to go to college, or what they'll do if they don't

  • has vague ideas about what to do as an adult, but can't seem to make anything stick

  • is struggling with executive functioning skills like goal-setting, time management, planning and execution

  • is easily distracted by quick dopamine hits, like social media and video games, but has a hard time pursuing real interests

Coaching focused on building both sustainable motivation and executive functioning skills helps young people build the confidence, skills, and life-long habits they need to thrive.

Consulting & workshops

You want students who are engaged and prepared to succeed in whatever comes next for them. You're dissatisfied with approaches that fail to be meaningful to faculty, staff, families and young people.

Ensure your school or organization has the support you need to help young people learn and thrive by engaging me in:

  • Collaboratively designing new initiatives to build in real youth and educator agency from the ground up.

  • Identifying the right data (quantitative and qualitative) to track to allow you to monitor, evaluate, and learn from your initiatives.

  • Leading workshops with staff, faculty, and/or students on how to build sustainable motivation in school

three person pointing the silver laptop computer
three person pointing the silver laptop computer
Becca Block holding a microphone speaking
Becca Block holding a microphone speaking
College essay & writing support

Writing effectively is not just crucial in school and the college admissions process, it's vital to success in the workplace. Many students don't realize that successful writing requires bringing together:

  • time-management and planning skills (so writing feels like a natural extension of thinking they've already been doing, not a mad scramble to meet a set of requirements)

  • efficient analysis of audience and context (so writing lands well for those specific readers at that specific time)

  • a message the writer actually cares about communicating (so writing is purposeful, driven, and effective)

As a writing professor, writing center director, and private tutor, I've seen it all--and helped emerging writers navigate everything from college admission essays to term papers, cover letters to business proposals.

student writing on white paper in front of a computer
student writing on white paper in front of a computer
”My son, who's dyslexic, had been struggling to succeed, even though he spent all day after school on homework and studying. Becca helped him try out some new strategies in class and at home, and now he has time to go to the gym and hang with his friends while still getting better grades at school. He's so much's been a lifesaver for us!”

- Parent of a 9th grade coaching client

”Becca helped my high school senior zero in on what he really wanted to express about himself in his college admissions essay, and how to do that powerfully. He was proud of the end result -- and, a few weeks later, even more proud to see his acceptance letter”

- Parent of a 12th grade writing client